Opening Chapter To STAMINA Zine

Opener To The STAMINA Zine, Issue # 1 Now that I’m in my mid 40’s and at the so called ‘mid life crisis’ age we have all heard about, I have to admit I do get some attention when going to a skateboard park, or while attending a punk rock show and even when catching some waves at the local’s only California coastline. It’s to be expected and most people do appreciate my efforts and my experience. So I realize I have to accept the fact that I will be dealing with some worried mothers at the skateboard parks and … Continue reading Opening Chapter To STAMINA Zine

Rich Monday And Maty Almost Wake Up To A Sleeping Town!

Let The Games Begin. Let’s Start This Rock And Roll Party! The Southern California Smash Mouth Local Punk Rock Legend Maty Almost crashed my house for a discussion about his new band ‘Almost Criminal’ and to do a sit down interview with me for my new zine book series coming out called ‘STAMINA.’ Yeah when the long time punker and hardcore historian Maty stops by to ruin your home, your wife and your life as you know it, it meant a few things to me. It meant no sleep for a couple days, playing the U.S. Bombs really loud all … Continue reading Rich Monday And Maty Almost Wake Up To A Sleeping Town!