Punk Politics #68 (Rewrite) free up the knowledge

I completely erased the original because the bad writing was too much to pick through. Anyway, the largest issue I’ve been seeing on the left is historical and political illiteracy. If we at all expect to survive and overturn the right, we need to reverse that. The Reich wing is clearly declaring war on literacy so going the opposite direction is gonna give us the ability to win because we can think. Though we need to move away from centrist trash like the idea that Biden deserves a second term and is at all to the left of Trump. I know reality that those of us in swing states are gonna have to vote for living dead Klansmen if he lives through the primaries. But there’s a massive difference between critical awareness of reality and blindly following politicians who are literally no better or worse people than the side you don’t like. How do we expand our knowledge base considering that books are cost prohibitive and 5 finger discount is increasingly difficult since some of us spent maybe too much of the 90’s-00’s helping books walk off the shelf? The app libby. Not only can you have a library card number for anywhere you can prove you currently live (never delete any of your cards there) but we can also all share card numbers and have access to libraries all across America. Trust me, we want this. The library in Oakland is gonna have some highly radical stuff while the one in small more rural towns like where I’ve landed may have handy how to books. Especially on farming and gardening. Libby never checks as long as the info is correct. I’m pretty sure there’s no sharing limit on numbers so start library card lists in your scenes the way we’ve done with lists of countless other resources for the goal of mutual aid and bettering the communities we most interact with

– C Fish


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