We Are The Union- Self Care

Coming out back in 2018 was the beginning of the reinvention of We Are The Union as we know them today. This was their first album with Jer and the influence is very clear in the ska of this album. WATU is still the basement emo ska band we love bit with more ska which is an upgrade. This whole album tackles a subject that needs more conversation in the scene. Self Care and mental health. I’ve been listening to this on heavy rotation while I’m currently dealing with a failure of effectiveness in my meds. And it’s such a fucking amazing friend that gets just how fucked up you feel inside. My 2 stand out tracks are Better Home and Surfin On The Waves Of Depression. Better Home is a reminder that we don’t have to keep living whatever way the damage made us. It’s a cathartic fuck you to the trauma. Surfin’ other than being a solid ska punk track, is just giving into pain and riding those waves. Sometimes that’s just the answer. This album has been a life jacket for me on those waves twice now. Make fuckin sure you listen to this, it can make a difference. Stalk and support at the links below and play this fuckin loud! This is the official album of underground mental health, Reade is our fuckin ska queen and We Are The Union is the official band of pride!

Look for a deep dive on this album in relation to mental health on the Psych Revolution podcast.

– C Fish







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